r mean by group

Calculating Mean by Group in R

To calculate the mean by group in R, you can use the aggregate function. Here are the steps:

  1. Load the Data: First, load the dataset into R using the read.csv or read.table function.

  2. Calculate the Mean by Group: Use the aggregate function to calculate the mean by group. The syntax for the aggregate function is as follows: aggregate(formula, data, FUN)

  3. formula: This specifies the variable to be aggregated and the grouping variable.
  4. data: This is the data frame containing the variables.
  5. FUN: This is the function to be applied, in this case, mean.

  6. Example: Suppose we have a dataset called df with variables group and value. To calculate the mean of value by group, you can use the following code: aggregate(value ~ group, data = df, FUN = mean)

By following these steps, you can calculate the mean by group in R.

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