if not i startswith R

Sure. Here is an example of how you can check if a string in R does not start with a specific character or substring:

string <- "Hello, world!"

if (!startsWith(string, "R")) {
  print("The string does not start with 'R'")
} else {
  print("The string starts with 'R'")


  1. We start by assigning a string to the variable string. In this example, the string is "Hello, world!".
  2. The startsWith() function is used to check if the string starts with a specific character or substring. In this case, we are checking if the string does not start with "R".
  3. The ! operator is used to negate the result of the startsWith() function. This means that if the string starts with "R", the result will be FALSE, and if it does not start with "R", the result will be TRUE.
  4. We use an if statement to check the result of the startsWith() function. If the result is TRUE (meaning the string does not start with "R"), the code within the if block will be executed. In this case, we simply print the message "The string does not start with 'R'".
  5. If the result of the startsWith() function is FALSE (meaning the string starts with "R"), the code within the else block will be executed. In this case, we print the message "The string starts with 'R'".

This code snippet demonstrates how to use the startsWith() function in R to check if a string does not start with a specific character or substring.