R string ascii accents

To remove accents from strings in R, you can use the stringi package. Here are the steps to do that:

  1. Install the stringi package by running the following command: R install.packages("stringi")

  2. Load the stringi package by running the following command: R library(stringi)

  3. Define a character vector containing the strings with accents that you want to remove. For example: R strings <- c("Café", "résumé", "naïve")

  4. Use the stri_trans_general function from the stringi package to remove the accents. This function takes two arguments: the input strings and the transformation code. The transformation code "Latin-ASCII" can be used to remove accents. Apply this function to your character vector of strings. For example: R strings_without_accents <- stri_trans_general(strings, "Latin-ASCII")

  5. Print the output to see the strings without accents. For example: R print(strings_without_accents)

This will give you the output:

[1] "Cafe"   "resume" "naive" 

The strings_without_accents vector now contains the original strings with the accents removed.