menu-driven in prolog

Prolog Menu-Driven Program

Here's an example of a menu-driven program in Prolog:

% Define the menu options
menu_option(1, "Option 1").
menu_option(2, "Option 2").
menu_option(3, "Option 3").
menu_option(4, "Exit").

% Display the menu options
display_menu :-
    forall(menu_option(Option, Description),
           format("~w. ~w~n", [Option, Description])).

% Handle user input
handle_input(1) :-
    writeln("You selected Option 1").
handle_input(2) :-
    writeln("You selected Option 2").
handle_input(3) :-
    writeln("You selected Option 3").
handle_input(4) :-

% Main loop
main_loop :-
    Input = 4.

% Start the program
start :-
    writeln("Welcome to the Prolog Menu-Driven Program!"),

To run the program, you can call the start/0 predicate. This will display the menu options and wait for user input. The program will continue running until the user selects option 4 to exit.

Please note that this is just a simple example to demonstrate the concept of a menu-driven program in Prolog. You can modify and expand it according to your specific requirements.

I hope this helps!