full adder in prolog

% Full Adder in Prolog

% halfAdder/3 predicate takes two bits as inputs and computes the sum and carry
halfAdder(A, B, Sum, Carry) :-
    xor(A, B, Sum),
    and(A, B, Carry).

% fullAdder/4 predicate takes three bits (A, B, CarryIn) as inputs and computes the sum and carry
fullAdder(A, B, CarryIn, Sum, CarryOut) :-
    halfAdder(A, B, S1, C1),
    halfAdder(S1, CarryIn, Sum, C2),
    or(C1, C2, CarryOut).

% Example usage:
% fullAdder(0, 0, 0, Sum, Carry).
% This will compute the sum and carry for the inputs A=0, B=0, CarryIn=0.

Note: Prolog is a logic programming language, so the above code is a logical representation of a full adder. The xor, and, and or predicates are not built-in predicates in Prolog, so you will need to define them yourself based on the specific logic gates you want to use.