perl mechanize infinite scroll with attempt count

To implement infinite scroll using Perl's Mechanize module with an attempt count, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Import the necessary modules:
use strict;
use warnings;
use WWW::Mechanize;
  1. Create a new Mechanize object:
my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new();
  1. Set the initial attempt count:
my $attempt_count = 0;
  1. Define a subroutine to handle scrolling:
sub scroll_page {
    my ($mech) = @_;

    # Scroll to the bottom of the page
    $mech->execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight)");

    # Wait for the page to load

    # Check if more content is loaded
    my $new_content = $mech->content();
    if ($new_content ne $content) {
        $content = $new_content;
        $attempt_count = 0;  # Reset the attempt count if new content is loaded
    } else {
        $attempt_count++;  # Increment the attempt count if no new content is loaded
  1. Set the URL of the page you want to scroll:
my $url = "";
  1. Start scrolling until the attempt count reaches a certain threshold:
my $content;

while ($attempt_count < 3) {  # Change the threshold as needed
    $content = $mech->content();


This code will continuously scroll to the bottom of the page, checking if new content is loaded. If new content is loaded, the attempt count is reset. If no new content is loaded, the attempt count is incremented. The loop will continue until the attempt count reaches a certain threshold, in this case, 3.

Remember to replace "" with the actual URL of the page you want to scroll.

I hope this code snippet helps you implement infinite scrolling with attempt count in Perl using the Mechanize module. Let me know if you have any further questions.