case of pascal

Pascal Language: Understanding the Case Structure

The case statement in Pascal allows for the selection of a code block based on the value of an expression. It provides a way to streamline conditional branching and can be particularly useful when dealing with multiple possible values for a variable.

Here's the basic syntax for a case statement in Pascal:

case expression of
  value1: begin
             // code block for value1
  value2: begin
             // code block for value2
  // more value cases as needed
    // default code block

In this structure, the expression is evaluated, and the corresponding code block for the matching value is executed. If none of the specified values match the expression, the code within the else block, if present, is executed as the default case.

It's important to note that each code block is enclosed within begin and end statements to define the scope of the code to be executed for each value.

Overall, the case statement in Pascal provides a clean and efficient way to handle multiple conditional branches based on the value of an expression.