pascal special characters

Language: Pascal and Pascal Special Characters

Pascal is a programming language developed by Niklaus Wirth in the late 1960s and early 1970s. It was named after the French mathematician and philosopher Blaise Pascal. Pascal is known for its simplicity and readability, making it a popular choice for teaching programming concepts.

Pascal uses a set of special characters for various purposes. Here are some commonly used special characters in Pascal:

  1. Semicolon (;): Used to separate statements in Pascal code.
  2. Colon (:) and Equals (=): Used for variable declarations and assignments.
  3. Double Equals (==): Used for equality comparison.
  4. Less Than (<) and Greater Than (>): Used for comparison operations.
  5. Plus (+), Minus (-), Asterisk (*), Slash (/): Used for arithmetic operations.
  6. Parentheses (()): Used for grouping expressions and function calls.
  7. Curly Braces ({}) and Square Brackets ([]): Used for comments and array indexing, respectively.
  8. Caret (^): Used for pointer declarations and dereferencing.

These are just a few examples of special characters used in Pascal. The specific usage and meaning of these characters may vary depending on the context within the Pascal code.

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