pascal define a record

To define a record in Pascal, you can use the record keyword followed by the name of the record. Inside the record, you can declare various fields or members using the name: type syntax. Here's an example:

  TPerson = record
    name: string;
    age: integer;
    address: string;

In the example above, we define a record named TPerson with three fields: name of type string, age of type integer, and address of type string. You can add as many fields as needed within the record.

Once you have defined a record, you can create variables of that record type and access its fields using the dot notation. Here's an example of creating a variable of the TPerson record type and accessing its fields:

  person: TPerson;

begin := 'John Doe';
  person.age := 25;
  person.address := '123 Main Street';

  writeln('Name: ',;
  writeln('Age: ', person.age);
  writeln('Address: ', person.address);

In the example above, we create a variable person of type TPerson and assign values to its fields. We then print out the values of the fields using the writeln statement.

That's how you can define and use a record in Pascal. Records are useful for grouping related data together into a single entity.