pascal data types

Pascal Data Types

Pascal is a programming language that supports various data types. Here are some commonly used data types in Pascal:

  1. Integer: The integer data type is used to store whole numbers. It can represent both positive and negative numbers within a certain range. For example, x: integer;.

  2. Real: The real data type is used to store floating-point numbers. It can represent decimal numbers with a fractional part. For example, y: real;.

  3. Boolean: The boolean data type is used to store logical values. It can represent either true or false. For example, isFound: boolean;.

  4. Char: The char data type is used to store single characters. It can represent any character from the ASCII character set. For example, c: char;.

  5. String: The string data type is used to store sequences of characters. It can represent a collection of characters of varying length. For example, name: string;.

  6. Array: The array data type is used to store a collection of elements of the same data type. It can represent a fixed-size or dynamic-size collection. For example, numbers: array[1..10] of integer;.

  7. Record: The record data type is used to define a custom data structure that can hold multiple fields of different data types. For example,

type Person = record name: string; age: integer; end;

  1. Pointer: The pointer data type is used to store memory addresses. It can be used to manipulate data indirectly. For example, p: ^integer;.

These are just a few examples of data types in Pascal. Pascal also supports other data types, such as sets, enumerated types, and file types, which provide additional flexibility in programming.