pascal variables

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In Pascal, variables are used to store and manipulate data. They are named memory locations that hold values of a specific type. To declare a variable in Pascal, you need to specify its name and type. For example:

  age: integer;
  name: string;
  isStudent: boolean;

In the above code, three variables are declared: age, name, and isStudent. The age variable is of type integer, which is used to store whole numbers. The name variable is of type string, which is used to store text. The isStudent variable is of type boolean, which is used to store true or false values.

To assign a value to a variable, you can use the assignment operator :=. For example:

age := 25;
name := 'John Doe';
isStudent := true;

In the above code, the variable age is assigned the value 25, the variable name is assigned the value 'John Doe', and the variable isStudent is assigned the value true.

You can also perform operations on variables, such as arithmetic operations or string concatenation. For example:

  x, y, sum: integer;
  firstName, lastName, fullName: string;

x := 5;
y := 10;
sum := x + y;

firstName := 'John';
lastName := 'Doe';
fullName := firstName + ' ' + lastName;

In the above code, the variable sum is assigned the value of the sum of x and y, which is 15. The variable fullName is assigned the concatenated string 'John Doe'.

Remember to initialize variables before using them, as uninitialized variables can contain unpredictable values. You can initialize variables at the time of declaration or later in your code.

That's a basic overview of variables in Pascal. Variables are essential for storing and manipulating data in Pascal programs.