wait in pascal

Pascal Programming Language

Pascal is a high-level programming language that was developed in the late 1960s and early 1970s by Niklaus Wirth. It was named after the French mathematician and philosopher Blaise Pascal. Pascal was designed to encourage good programming practices and provide a structured approach to programming.

Pascal has a strong static typing system, which means that variables must be declared with their types before they can be used. It supports various data types, including integers, real numbers, characters, strings, booleans, and arrays. Pascal also includes control structures such as loops (for, while, repeat) and conditional statements (if-then-else).

Pascal was widely used in the 1970s and 1980s for teaching programming and developing software. It influenced the development of other programming languages, such as Ada and Modula-2. While Pascal is not as popular today as it once was, it still has a dedicated user base and is used in certain domains, such as education and legacy systems.

Note: The information provided above is based on general knowledge about Pascal programming language. For more specific details, it is recommended to refer to official documentation or specialized resources.