black screen between splash and app react native ios

To fix the issue of a black screen appearing between the splash screen and the app in a React Native iOS project written in Objective-C, you can try the following steps:

  1. Open your Xcode project for the React Native iOS app.

  2. Locate the AppDelegate.m file in the project explorer. It should be located in the ios folder.

  3. Within the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method of AppDelegate.m, add the following line of code before the return YES; statement:

self.window.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor];

This code sets the background color of the window to white, which should prevent the black screen from appearing.

  1. Clean and rebuild your project by selecting "Product" from the Xcode menu, then choosing "Clean" and "Build".

  2. Run the application again on the iOS simulator or device to see if the black screen issue has been resolved.

By setting the background color of the window to white in the AppDelegate.m file, you should be able to eliminate the black screen that appears between the splash screen and the app in your React Native iOS project.