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Objective-C Programming Language

Objective-C is a programming language that is commonly used for developing applications on Apple's macOS and iOS platforms. It is an object-oriented language that is an extension of the C programming language. Objective-C combines the features of C with Smalltalk-style messaging syntax, making it a powerful and flexible language for developing software applications.

Objective-C was the primary programming language used for iOS and macOS development before the introduction of Swift in 2014. However, Objective-C is still widely used and supported, and many existing iOS and macOS applications are written in Objective-C.

Here are some key features of Objective-C:

1. Object-Oriented Programming: Objective-C supports object-oriented programming concepts such as classes, objects, inheritance, and polymorphism.

2. Dynamic Typing: Objective-C is a dynamically typed language, which means that the type of an object can be determined at runtime.

3. Message Passing: In Objective-C, objects communicate with each other by sending messages. This is done using square brackets, like [object message].

4. Automatic Reference Counting (ARC): Objective-C uses ARC to manage memory automatically. With ARC, developers don't need to manually allocate and deallocate memory for objects.

5. Interoperability with C: Objective-C is a superset of the C programming language, which means that C code can be directly used in Objective-C programs.

6. Extensive Library Support: Objective-C has access to the extensive libraries and frameworks provided by Apple, making it easier to develop applications for iOS and macOS platforms.

Objective-C has a rich ecosystem of tools, libraries, and resources that make it a popular choice for iOS and macOS development. It is worth noting that Apple has been encouraging developers to transition to Swift, but Objective-C remains a viable option for developing applications on Apple's platforms.