windows 10 toast notifications nodejs

To display toast notifications in a Node.js application on Windows 10, you can follow these steps:

  1. Install the node-notifier package from npm:

npm install node-notifier

This package provides a simple way to create and display notifications in Node.js.

  1. Import the node-notifier module in your Node.js application:

javascript const notifier = require('node-notifier');

This allows you to use the functions provided by the node-notifier package.

  1. Create a notification using the notify function:

javascript notifier.notify({ title: 'Notification Title', message: 'Notification Message', });

The notify function accepts an object with properties such as title and message to define the content of the notification.

  1. Customize the notification with additional options:

javascript notifier.notify({ title: 'Notification Title', message: 'Notification Message', icon: 'path/to/icon.png', sound: true, });

You can provide additional options like icon to specify the path to an image file for the notification icon, and sound to enable or disable the notification sound.

  1. Handle notification events:

```javascript notifier.on('click', function (notification) { console.log('Notification clicked'); });

notifier.on('timeout', function (notification) { console.log('Notification timed out'); }); ```

You can listen to events like click and timeout to perform actions when the user interacts with the notification.

  1. Display the notification:

javascript notifier.notify({ title: 'Notification Title', message: 'Notification Message', });

Finally, call the notify function to display the notification on the Windows 10 desktop.

These steps should help you display toast notifications in your Node.js application on Windows 10 using the node-notifier package.