update nodejs

To update Node.js, follow these steps:

  1. Open your command prompt or terminal.

  2. Check the current version of Node.js installed on your machine by running the following command:

node -v
  1. Visit the official Node.js website (https://nodejs.org) to check the latest version available.

  2. Once you have confirmed the latest version, you can update Node.js using a package manager like npm (Node Package Manager) or nvm (Node Version Manager).

  3. If you are using npm, run the following command to update Node.js to the latest version:

npm install -g npm
  1. If you are using nvm, run the following commands to update Node.js to the latest version:
nvm install node
nvm use node
  1. After the update is complete, verify that the new version of Node.js is installed by running the following command:
node -v

That's it! Your Node.js installation should now be updated to the latest version.