uninstall node js from mac

Uninstalling Node.js from Mac

To uninstall Node.js from your Mac, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open the Terminal: Launch the Terminal application on your Mac. You can find it in the "Utilities" folder within the "Applications" folder, or you can use Spotlight search to find it quickly.

  2. Check the installed Node.js version: Before uninstalling Node.js, it's a good idea to check the version you have installed. You can do this by running the following command in the Terminal: node -v This will display the version number of Node.js installed on your system.

  3. Remove Node.js using Homebrew (if installed with Homebrew): If you installed Node.js using Homebrew, you can use Homebrew to uninstall it. Run the following command in the Terminal: brew uninstall node Homebrew will remove Node.js and any associated packages.

  4. Remove Node.js manually (if not installed with Homebrew): If you installed Node.js manually or using a different method, you can remove it manually. Follow these steps:

  5. Delete the Node.js executable: In the Terminal, run the following command to delete the Node.js executable: sudo rm -rf /usr/local/{bin/{node,npm},lib/node_modules/npm,lib/node,share/man//node.} This command will remove the Node.js executable and associated files.
  6. Remove Node.js files: Run the following command to remove any remaining Node.js files: sudo rm -rf /usr/local/lib/node* This command will remove the remaining Node.js files.

  7. Verify the uninstallation: To verify that Node.js has been successfully uninstalled, you can run the following command in the Terminal: node -v If Node.js has been uninstalled correctly, this command should return an error indicating that the command is not found.

Please note that these steps assume you have administrative privileges on your Mac. If you encounter any issues during the uninstallation process, you may need to consult the official Node.js documentation or seek further assistance.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.