settimeout nodejs await

The setTimeout function in Node.js is used to delay the execution of a function or a piece of code. It takes two arguments - a callback function and a delay time in milliseconds.

When the setTimeout function is called, it registers the callback function to be executed after the specified delay time has passed. The delay time is specified as the second argument to the function.

Here is an example of how to use setTimeout in Node.js:

setTimeout(() => {
  console.log('This code will be executed after 3 seconds');
}, 3000);

In this example, the callback function will be executed after a delay of 3000 milliseconds (or 3 seconds). Inside the callback function, we are simply logging a message to the console.

Now, if you want to use await with setTimeout, you need to wrap the setTimeout function call in a Promise. This allows you to use await to wait for the specified delay before executing the next line of code.

Here is an example of how to use await with setTimeout in Node.js:

function delay(milliseconds) {
  return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, milliseconds));

async function myFunction() {
  console.log('This code will be executed immediately');
  await delay(3000);
  console.log('This code will be executed after 3 seconds');


In this example, we define a delay function that returns a Promise. Inside the delay function, we use setTimeout to delay the resolution of the Promise by the specified number of milliseconds.

In the myFunction function, we use the await keyword to wait for the delay function to resolve before executing the next line of code. This allows us to create a pause in the execution of the code for the specified delay time.

When we call myFunction, the code inside the function will be executed immediately, and then there will be a pause for 3 seconds before the second console.log statement is executed.