set in Dynamo DB not properly incrementing nodejs lamnda function

To troubleshoot the issue of the DynamoDB not properly incrementing in a Node.js Lambda function, we can follow these steps:

  1. Import the necessary AWS SDK modules: In the Lambda function, make sure to import the AWS SDK modules required for interacting with DynamoDB. This includes the "AWS.DynamoDB" module.

  2. Create an instance of the DynamoDB client: After importing the necessary modules, create an instance of the DynamoDB client using the "AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient()" constructor. This client allows us to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on DynamoDB.

  3. Define the update parameters: To increment a value in DynamoDB, we need to define the update parameters. This includes specifying the table name, the key of the item to be updated, and the attribute to increment along with its value.

  4. Update the item in DynamoDB: Use the "update()" method of the DynamoDB client to update the item in DynamoDB. Pass the update parameters as an argument to this method.

  5. Handle the response: The "update()" method returns a promise that resolves to the updated item, or an error if the update operation fails. Handle the response accordingly, and if successful, proceed with the desired logic.

By following these steps, you should be able to properly increment values in DynamoDB using a Node.js Lambda function.