path resolve in node js to current dir

Resolving the Current Directory in Node.js

To resolve the current directory in Node.js, you can use the path.resolve() method. This method is part of the built-in path module in Node.js and provides a platform-independent way to resolve file paths.

Here are the steps to resolve the current directory using path.resolve():

  1. Import the path module at the beginning of your code: javascript const path = require('path');

  2. Use the path.resolve() method to resolve the current directory: javascript const currentDir = path.resolve();

The path.resolve() method without any arguments resolves the current working directory by default.

  1. The currentDir variable now contains the resolved path of the current directory.


```javascript const path = require('path');

const currentDir = path.resolve();

console.log(currentDir); ```

Output: /path/to/current/directory

The console.log() statement will display the resolved path of the current directory.

By following these steps, you can use path.resolve() to obtain the resolved path of the current directory in Node.js.