passing variable in table row delete button node js express

To pass a variable in a table row delete button in Node.js using Express, you can follow these steps:

  1. In your HTML file, create a table with rows that include a delete button for each row. Each delete button should have a unique identifier, such as the row ID, as an attribute. For example:
  <tr id="row1">
    <td>Row 1 data</td>
    <td><button class="delete-button" data-rowid="row1">Delete</button></td>
  <tr id="row2">
    <td>Row 2 data</td>
    <td><button class="delete-button" data-rowid="row2">Delete</button></td>
  1. In your client-side JavaScript file, add a click event listener to the delete buttons. Inside the event listener, retrieve the row ID from the button's data attribute and send an AJAX request to the server to delete the corresponding row. For example:
document.querySelectorAll('.delete-button').forEach(function(button) {
  button.addEventListener('click', function() {
    var rowId = button.getAttribute('data-rowid');

function deleteRow(rowId) {
  // Send an AJAX request to the server to delete the row with the given ID
  // You can use the Fetch API or any other library like Axios or jQuery.ajax
  fetch('/delete-row', {
    method: 'POST',
    body: JSON.stringify({ rowId: rowId }),
    headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }
  .then(function(response) {
    if (response.ok) {
      // Row deleted successfully, update the UI if needed
    } else {
      // Handle error response from the server
  .catch(function(error) {
    // Handle network or other errors
  1. In your server-side JavaScript file (e.g., your Express route handler), handle the delete request. Retrieve the row ID from the request body and delete the corresponding row from your database or data source. For example:'/delete-row', function(req, res) {
  var rowId = req.body.rowId;
  // Delete the row with the given ID from your database or data source

  res.sendStatus(200); // Send a success response

These steps demonstrate how you can pass a variable (in this case, the row ID) in a table row delete button using Node.js and Express. Remember to adjust the code to fit your specific application needs.