opencv4nodejs mac install

  1. Install Homebrew: Open Terminal and run the following command to install Homebrew, a package manager for macOS:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

  1. Install OpenCV dependencies: Use Homebrew to install necessary dependencies for OpenCV:

brew install cmake pkg-config brew install ffmpeg brew install opencv

  1. Install opencv4nodejs: Run the following command to install the opencv4nodejs package via npm, the Node.js package manager:

npm install --save opencv4nodejs

  1. Set path variables: Ensure that OpenCV and its dependencies can be found by Node.js by setting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable. In your terminal, execute:

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/opt/opencv@4/lib/pkgconfig

  1. Test installation: Verify that opencv4nodejs is correctly installed by writing a small Node.js script that imports and uses it:

```javascript const cv = require('opencv4nodejs');

// Test code const mat = new cv.Mat(5, 5, cv.CV_8UC3, [255, 0, 0]); console.log(mat); ```

Save this script into a file (e.g., test.js) and execute it using Node.js:

node test.js

If no errors occur, and you see the output related to the created matrix, the installation is successful.