NodeJS: Good way to write Multiple API Calls in serial

To make multiple API calls in serial in Node.js, you can use the async/await feature to ensure that each call completes before the next one starts. Here's a step-by-step explanation:

  1. Use the async keyword before the function where you want to make the API calls. This allows you to use await inside the function to wait for the API calls to complete.

  2. Inside the async function, use await before each API call to make sure that the code waits for the call to finish and return the result before moving on to the next line of code.

  3. When making the API calls, you can use libraries like axios or node-fetch to perform the actual HTTP requests. These libraries allow you to make asynchronous requests and handle the responses easily.

  4. After each API call, you can handle the response data or any errors that occurred during the call. This could involve processing the data, logging it, or passing it to the next step in your code.

By following these steps and utilizing the async/await feature in Node.js, you can effectively make multiple API calls in serial while ensuring that each call completes before the next one begins.