nodejs spawn set env variable

Setting Environment Variables in Node.js using spawn

To set environment variables in Node.js using the spawn function, you can pass an env option to the spawn function call. The env option allows you to override the current process environment variables or set new values for specific variables [4].

Here are the steps to set environment variables using spawn:

  1. Import the spawn function from the child_process module: javascript const { spawn } = require('child_process');

  2. Use the spawn function to execute a command and pass the env option with the desired environment variables: javascript const child = spawn('command', { env: { VARIABLE_NAME: 'value' } });

  3. Replace 'command' with the actual command you want to execute.

  4. Replace 'VARIABLE_NAME' with the name of the environment variable you want to set.
  5. Replace 'value' with the desired value for the environment variable.

For example, to set the environment variable ANSWER to 42 when executing the echo command, you can use the following code: javascript const child = spawn('echo', { env: { ANSWER: '42' } });

This will make the ANSWER environment variable available to the echo command.

  1. Optionally, you can use the stdio option to specify the standard input/output/error behavior for the child process. For example, { stdio: 'inherit' } will use the same input/output streams as the parent process.

That's it! These steps allow you to set environment variables when using the spawn function in Node.js.

Let me know if you need further assistance!