nodejs spawn detached command

The spawn function in Node.js is used to create a new process and execute a command in that process. When using spawn, you have the option to detach the spawned process from the parent process.

Here is an explanation of each step involved in using spawn with a detached command:

  1. Import the child_process module: In order to use the spawn function, you need to import the child_process module. This module provides the necessary functions and methods for working with child processes.

  2. Invoke the spawn function: Call the spawn function, passing the command to be executed as the first argument, and an array of arguments as the second argument. For example, if you want to execute the command "ls -l", you would pass "ls" as the command and ["-l"] as the arguments.

  3. Detach the spawned process: To detach the spawned process from the parent process, you need to set the detached option to true. This can be done by setting the detached property of the returned ChildProcess object to true.

  4. Handle the spawned process: You can handle the spawned process in various ways. For example, you can listen for events emitted by the ChildProcess object, such as the "exit" event, which is triggered when the child process exits.

  5. Start the spawned process: To start the spawned process, you need to call the spawnedProcess.unref() method. This method allows the parent process to exit independently of the spawned process.

By following these steps, you can use spawn to execute a detached command in Node.js.