nodejs redis setex

The setex function in the Node.js Redis library is used to set a key-value pair in Redis with an expiration time. Here are the steps involved in using the setex function:

  1. Import the Redis module: In your Node.js application, you need to import the Redis module using the require keyword. This allows you to access the Redis library and its functions.

  2. Create a Redis client: After importing the Redis module, you need to create a Redis client using the createClient function. This function establishes a connection to the Redis server and returns a client object that you can use to interact with the Redis database.

  3. Set the key-value pair with an expiration time: To use the setex function, you need to call it on the Redis client object. The setex function takes three parameters: the key, the expiration time in seconds, and the value. It sets the key-value pair in the Redis database and automatically sets an expiration time for the key.

  4. Handle the callback function: The setex function is asynchronous, meaning it doesn't block other operations while waiting for a response from the Redis server. Instead, it uses a callback function to handle the result of the operation. The callback function takes two parameters: an error object (if any) and the result of the operation.

  5. Close the Redis client: After finishing your Redis operations, it's good practice to close the Redis client connection to free up system resources. You can do this by calling the quit function on the Redis client object.

By following these steps, you can successfully use the setex function in Node.js to set a key-value pair in Redis with an expiration time.