nodejs mysql query

To perform a MySQL query in Node.js, follow these steps:

  1. Install the MySQL module: Use the command npm install mysql to install the MySQL module in your Node.js project. This module enables you to interact with the MySQL database.

  2. Import the MySQL module: In your Node.js file, require the MySQL module using the require() function. This will make the module's functionality available in your code.

  3. Create a connection: Use the createConnection() method from the MySQL module to establish a connection to the MySQL database. This method takes an object as a parameter, which includes the host, user, password, and database name.

  4. Connect to the database: Call the connect() method on the connection object to connect to the MySQL database. This will establish a connection and allow you to execute queries.

  5. Perform the query: Use the query() method on the connection object to execute a MySQL query. This method takes two parameters: the SQL query string and a callback function. The callback function will be called with an error (if any) and the result of the query.

  6. Handle the query result: Inside the callback function, you can handle the result of the query. You can access the returned rows using the results parameter. You can also check for errors using the error parameter.

  7. Close the connection: After executing the query and handling the result, call the end() method on the connection object to close the connection to the MySQL database.

These are the steps to perform a MySQL query in Node.js using the MySQL module.