nodejs multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=BoundaryString


  1. Language: Node.js Node.js is a popular runtime environment that allows developers to build server-side applications using JavaScript. It provides a lightweight and efficient platform for creating scalable and high-performance web applications.

  2. Multipart/x-mixed-replace Multipart/x-mixed-replace is a media type that allows different types of content to be sent as a single response from the server to the client. It is commonly used for streaming or continuous updates, where the server sends multiple parts of data that replace each other in the client's view.

  3. Boundary=BoundaryString The boundary string is a unique identifier used to separate each part of the multipart response. It acts as a marker to indicate the start and end of each part of the response. The boundary string should be unique and not present in the actual content of the response.

In summary, in the given context, we are using Node.js as the programming language for server-side development. We are utilizing the multipart/x-mixed-replace media type to send multiple parts of data as a single response. The boundary string is used to separate each part of the response.