nodejs fs root folder path

To obtain the root folder path using Node.js and the fs module, you can follow these steps:

  1. Import the fs module: Start by importing the fs module in your Node.js file. This module provides file system-related functionality.

  2. Use the fs.realpath() method: The fs.realpath() method resolves the given path to the absolute path. Pass the root folder path as an argument to this method.

  3. Handle the callback function: The fs.realpath() method takes a callback function as its second argument. This function will be called once the path is resolved. It receives two parameters: an error object (if any) and the resolved path.

  4. Access the resolved path: Inside the callback function, you can access the resolved path using the second parameter. This will be the absolute root folder path.

Here's an example code snippet showcasing these steps:

const fs = require('fs');

const rootFolderPath = '/path/to/root/folder';

fs.realpath(rootFolderPath, (err, resolvedPath) => {
  if (err) {

  console.log('Root folder path:', resolvedPath);

Please note that you should replace '/path/to/root/folder' with the actual path to your root folder.