nodejs class template export

  1. Create a new file with a .js extension, such as "myClass.js".

  2. Define a class using the "class" keyword, followed by the name of the class. For example, "class MyClass".

  3. Inside the class, define the constructor method using the "constructor" keyword. This method will be called when a new instance of the class is created. For example, "constructor()".

  4. Inside the constructor method, you can define any properties that you want the class to have. Use the "this" keyword followed by the property name to define properties. For example, "this.myProperty = value;".

  5. Define other methods for the class, using the regular syntax for defining methods in JavaScript. For example, "myMethod() { // method code }".

  6. Export the class so that it can be used in other files. Use the "module.exports" syntax to export the class. For example, "module.exports = MyClass;".

That's it! Your Node.js class template is ready to be used in other files.