nodejs check directory exist or not

To check if a directory exists or not in Node.js, you can use the fs module, which is a built-in module for handling file system operations. Specifically, you can use the fs.existsSync() function.

Here are the steps to check if a directory exists in Node.js:

  1. Import the fs module using the require() function:
const fs = require('fs');
  1. Use the fs.existsSync() function to check if the directory exists:
const directoryPath = '/path/to/directory';
const exists = fs.existsSync(directoryPath);
  1. The fs.existsSync() function returns a boolean value. If the directory exists, it will return true; otherwise, it will return false.
  2. You can then use the exists variable to perform further actions based on whether the directory exists or not.

That's it! These steps will allow you to check if a directory exists or not in Node.js using the fs.existsSync() function.