nodejs aws s3 bucket delete item

To delete an item from an AWS S3 bucket using Node.js, you can follow these steps:

  1. Install the AWS SDK: Use the npm package manager to install the AWS SDK for Node.js by running the command npm install aws-sdk.

  2. Configure AWS credentials: Set up your AWS credentials by creating a new AWS Access Key ID and Secret Access Key in the AWS Management Console. Then, configure your AWS credentials in your Node.js application using the AWS.config.update method. This should include the region and credentials properties.

  3. Create an S3 instance: Create an instance of the S3 class from the AWS SDK by calling new AWS.S3().

  4. Delete the object: To delete an item from an S3 bucket, call the deleteObject method on the S3 instance. Provide the Bucket parameter with the name of your S3 bucket and the Key parameter with the key of the item you want to delete.

  5. Handle the response: The deleteObject method returns a promise. You can use the then method to handle a successful delete operation and the catch method to handle any errors.

Here is an example code snippet that demonstrates the steps mentioned above:

const AWS = require('aws-sdk');

// Configure AWS credentials
  region: 'your-region',
  credentials: {
    accessKeyId: 'your-access-key-id',
    secretAccessKey: 'your-secret-access-key'

// Create an S3 instance
const s3 = new AWS.S3();

// Delete object from S3 bucket
  Bucket: 'your-bucket-name',
  Key: 'your-object-key'
  .then(() => {
    console.log('Object deleted successfully');
  .catch((error) => {
    console.error('Error deleting object:', error);

Make sure to replace the placeholders (your-region, your-access-key-id, your-secret-access-key, your-bucket-name, and your-object-key) with the appropriate values for your setup.