nodejs api to logged in users count on an application

To get the count of logged-in users on an application using Node.js, you can follow these steps:

  1. Import the necessary modules: Start by importing the required modules in your Node.js application. You will need the 'http' module to create an HTTP server and the '' module to handle real-time communication.

  2. Create an HTTP server: Use the 'http' module to create an HTTP server that listens for incoming requests. Set up the server to handle both regular HTTP requests and WebSocket connections.

  3. Set up WebSocket connection: Use the '' module to set up WebSocket communication between the server and the clients. This will allow real-time updates on the number of logged-in users.

  4. Track logged-in users: Implement a mechanism to track the number of logged-in users. You can use a variable or data structure to store and update this count.

  5. Handle user login and logout: Implement functionality to handle user login and logout. When a user logs in, increment the count of logged-in users. When a user logs out, decrement the count.

  6. Emit updates to clients: Whenever the count of logged-in users changes, emit an update event to all connected clients using the WebSocket connection. This will allow the clients to receive real-time updates on the number of logged-in users.

  7. Client-side implementation: On the client-side, utilize the WebSocket connection to listen for the update event and update the UI accordingly. Display the count of logged-in users to the user.

By following these steps, you can create a Node.js API that tracks and provides the count of logged-in users in your application.