Node temp = new Node(6, head, head.getNext()); head.setNext(temp); temp.getNext().setPrev(temp); Node temp1 = tail.getPrev(); tail.setPrev(temp1.getPrev()); temp1.getPrev().setNext(tail);

Explanation of the Given Code Sequence

  1. Node temp = new Node(6, head, head.getNext());
  2. This line creates a new node temp with a value of 6 and sets its previous pointer to head and its next pointer to head.getNext().
  3. The new Node() syntax creates a new instance of the Node class with the specified values.
  4. The head.getNext() method returns the next node after head.
  5. The temp node is created to be inserted after head in the doubly linked list.

  6. head.setNext(temp);

  7. This line sets the next pointer of head to temp.
  8. The setNext() method is used to set the next node after the current node.

  9. temp.getNext().setPrev(temp);

  10. This line sets the previous pointer of the node after temp to temp.
  11. The getNext() method is used to get the next node after the current node.
  12. The setPrev() method is used to set the previous node of the current node.

  13. Node temp1 = tail.getPrev();

  14. This line assigns the previous node of tail to a new node temp1.
  15. The getPrev() method is used to get the previous node of the current node.

  16. tail.setPrev(temp1.getPrev());

  17. This line sets the previous pointer of tail to the previous node of temp1.
  18. The setPrev() method is used to set the previous node of the current node.

  19. temp1.getPrev().setNext(tail);

  20. This line sets the next pointer of the previous node of temp1 to tail.
  21. The getNext() method is used to get the next node after the current node.
  22. The setNext() method is used to set the next node after the current node.

Updated Doubly Linked List

The sequence of operations described above modifies the original doubly linked list. Based on the given code sequence, the updated doubly linked list will be:


The new node temp with a value of 6 is inserted after head, and the previous node of tail is updated to temp1. The previous and next pointers of the nodes are adjusted accordingly to maintain the doubly linked list structure.
