node redisjson get properties of array object

To achieve this task, you can use the following steps in Node.js:

Step 1: First, install the 'redis' and 'redis-json' packages using npm:

npm install redis redis-json

Step 2: Next, connect to Redis and create a RedisJSON client:

const { RedisJson } = require('redis-json');
const redis = require('redis');
const client = redis.createClient();
const rj = new RedisJson(client);

Step 3: Load the JSON object from Redis using the key:

const key = 'user:1';
const user = await rj.get(key);

Step 4: Access the array object and get its properties:

const userArray = user.arrayPropertyName; // Replace with the actual property name
const propertyValue = userArray[index].propertyName; // Replace with the actual index and property name

In these steps, 'redis' and 'redis-json' packages are installed, a RedisJSON client is created, the JSON object is loaded from Redis, and then the properties of the array object are accessed.