node readFileSync json

  1. The first step is to include the built-in 'fs' module in the Node.js application. This module provides file system-related functionality.

  2. Next, you need to use the 'readFileSync' method from the 'fs' module. This method reads the contents of a file synchronously and returns the data.

  3. Within the 'readFileSync' method, you need to provide the path to the JSON file that you want to read. This can be either a relative or an absolute path.

  4. The 'readFileSync' method reads the contents of the JSON file and returns it as a string.

  5. Finally, you can assign the returned string to a variable or use it as needed in your application. It can be parsed into a JavaScript object using the 'JSON.parse' method if you need to work with the data in an object format.

Note: The 'readFileSync' method is a synchronous method, which means it will block the execution of the program until the file is read completely. If you prefer asynchronous file reading, you can use the 'readFile' method with a callback function instead.