node read file line

  1. Import the file system module:
const fs = require('fs');

This line of code imports the built-in file system module in Node.js. The fs module provides methods for interacting with the file system.

  1. Read the file:
const fileContent = fs.readFileSync('file.txt', 'utf-8');

Here, we use the readFileSync method from the fs module to read the contents of a file called file.txt. The second argument, 'utf-8', specifies the encoding of the file.

  1. Split the content into lines:
const lines = fileContent.split('\n');

The split method is used to split the content of the file into an array of lines. We use the newline character ('\n') as the delimiter to split the content into lines.

  1. Iterate over the lines:
lines.forEach((line) => {

In this step, we use the forEach method to iterate over each line in the lines array. For each line, we log it to the console using console.log.

That's it! These steps demonstrate how to read a file line by line in Node.js using the fs module.