node js while loop with settimeout

In Node.js, you can use a while loop in combination with the setTimeout function to create a delayed execution of code. Here's an example of how this can be done:

let count = 0;

function incrementCount() {
  console.log("Count:", count);

  if (count < 5) {
    setTimeout(incrementCount, 1000);


Explanation for each step:

  1. We declare a variable count and initialize it with a value of 0.
  2. We define a function called incrementCount which increments the count variable by 1 and logs the current value of count.
  3. Inside the incrementCount function, we check if the value of count is less than 5. If it is, we use the setTimeout function to delay the execution of the incrementCount function by 1000 milliseconds (1 second). This creates a delay between each iteration of the loop.
  4. Finally, we call the incrementCount function to start the loop.

Each time the incrementCount function is called, it increments the count variable by 1 and logs the current value of count. If the value of count is less than 5, the function schedules itself to be executed again after a delay of 1 second. This process repeats until the value of count reaches 5, at which point the loop terminates.

Note: This example assumes that you are running the code in a Node.js environment where the console.log function is available for logging output.