node js require all function from another file

To require all functions from another file in Node.js, you can follow these steps:

  1. First, make sure you have the file containing the functions you want to require. Let's call this file "functions.js" for this example.

  2. In your main file (let's say it's called "main.js"), you can use the require function to import the functions from "functions.js".

javascript const functions = require('./functions');

In this example, we assume that both "main.js" and "functions.js" are in the same directory. If they are in different directories, you may need to provide the appropriate path to the "functions.js" file.

  1. Now, you can use the imported functions from "functions.js" in your "main.js" file.

javascript functions.someFunction(); functions.anotherFunction();

This example assumes that "functions.js" contains two functions called someFunction and anotherFunction. Replace these function names with the actual names of the functions you want to use.

That's it! By requiring the "functions.js" file in your "main.js" file, you can access and use all the functions defined in "functions.js".