node js performance is not defined

  1. Use Asynchronous Operations:
  2. Utilize asynchronous functions to prevent blocking the event loop.
  3. Employ callbacks, Promises, or async/await to manage asynchronous tasks efficiently.

  4. Optimize I/O Operations:

  5. Minimize synchronous I/O operations to avoid performance bottlenecks.
  6. Implement non-blocking methods for file operations, network requests, and database queries.

  7. Leverage Caching:

  8. Cache frequently accessed data to reduce redundant computations.
  9. Implement in-memory caching mechanisms or use external caching solutions.

  10. Optimize Database Interactions:

  11. Opt for indexing in databases to enhance query performance.
  12. Batch database operations and use connection pooling to manage database connections efficiently.

  13. Bundle and Minify Code:

  14. Bundle JavaScript files to reduce the number of HTTP requests.
  15. Minify code to decrease file sizes and improve load times.

  16. Implement Connection Reuse:

  17. Reuse existing connections to external services or databases instead of establishing new connections for each request.

  18. Load Balancing:

  19. Use load balancing to distribute incoming requests across multiple server instances.
  20. Enhance scalability and availability by balancing the load efficiently.

  21. Code Profiling:

  22. Employ profiling tools to identify and address performance bottlenecks in the code.
  23. Analyze CPU and memory usage to optimize resource utilization.

  24. Gzip Compression:

  25. Enable Gzip compression for responses to reduce data transfer size over the network.
  26. Configure the server to compress content before sending it to clients.

  27. Environment Optimization:

    • Optimize Node.js runtime environment settings.
    • Adjust the garbage collection strategy and memory limits based on application requirements.
  28. Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN):

    • Distribute static assets through a CDN to reduce latency and improve content delivery speed.
    • Leverage the global network of CDN servers for efficient content distribution.
  29. Upgrade Node.js Version:

    • Keep Node.js up to date to benefit from performance improvements and bug fixes.
    • Consider using the latest LTS (Long Term Support) version for stability.
  30. HTTP/2 and TLS:

    • Implement HTTP/2 to enable multiplexing and improve the efficiency of data transfer.
    • Use TLS (Transport Layer Security) to secure communications and enhance overall performance.
  31. Monitor and Analyze Performance:

    • Implement monitoring tools to track application performance.
    • Analyze logs, metrics, and real-time data to identify and address performance issues promptly.