node js log colors

  1. Start by installing the colors package by running the command npm install colors.

  2. Import the colors module into your Node.js script by using the require function: const colors = require('colors');.

  3. Use the colors module to modify the color of your logs. For example, you can change the color of the text to red by calling'Hello, world!').

  4. You can also chain multiple color modifiers together to create more complex effects. For example, you can make the text bold and blue by calling'Hello, world!').

  5. To use the modified colors in your logs, simply replace your regular console.log statements with the modified versions provided by the colors module. For example, instead of console.log('Hello, world!'), you would use console.log('Hello, world!')).

  6. Run your Node.js script using the command node your-script.js and observe the colored output in the console.

  7. Congratulations! You have successfully added color to your Node.js logs using the colors package.