node js server

  1. Initialize Node.js Project:
  2. Open a terminal.
  3. Navigate to your project directory.
  4. Run npm init and follow the prompts to create a package.json file.

  5. Install Express:

  6. Run npm install express to install the Express framework.

  7. Create a Server File:

  8. Create a new file, e.g., server.js.

  9. Import Express:

  10. In server.js, require Express: const express = require('express');

  11. Create an Express App:

  12. Create an instance of the Express app: const app = express();

  13. Define a Route:

  14. Define a basic route with a callback function: app.get('/', (req, res) => { res.send('Hello, World!'); });

  15. Start the Server:

  16. Add code to start the server and listen on a port, e.g., const port = 3000; app.listen(port, () => { console.log(Server is running on port ${port}); });

  17. Run the Server:

  18. In the terminal, run node server.js to start the server.

  19. Access the Endpoint:

  20. Open a web browser and go to http://localhost:3000/ to see the "Hello, World!" response.

  21. Extend Functionality (Optional):

    • Add more routes and logic to handle different HTTP methods.
    • Explore middleware to enhance the server's capabilities.
  22. Install Nodemon (Optional):

    • Install Nodemon for automatic server restarts during development: npm install -g nodemon.
  23. Update Start Script (Optional):

    • In package.json, update the "scripts" section to include "start": "nodemon server.js" for easier server restarts.
  24. Run Server with Nodemon (Optional):

    • Instead of node server.js, use npm start to run the server with Nodemon.
  25. Handle POST Requests (Optional):

    • Install the body-parser middleware: npm install body-parser.
    • Use it to parse incoming POST requests: javascript const bodyParser = require('body-parser'); app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }));
  26. Create a POST Route (Optional):

    • Create a route to handle POST requests: javascript'/submit', (req, res) => { const data = req.body; // Process data res.send('Data received: ' + JSON.stringify(data)); });
  27. Restart Server:

    • If using Nodemon, the server will automatically restart when changes are made.
    • If not using Nodemon, manually stop and restart the server after making changes.
  28. Test POST Endpoint:

    • Use tools like Postman or a web form to send a POST request to the server's /submit endpoint.
  29. Handle Static Files (Optional):

    • Use express.static to serve static files (e.g., HTML, CSS, images).
    • Create a public folder for static files and add: javascript app.use(express.static('public'));
    • Access static files at http://localhost:3000/file.html.
  30. Explore More Features:

  31. End Application:

    • Terminate the server by pressing Ctrl+C in the terminal.