node js create or check directory

To create or check a directory in Node.js, you can use the built-in fs module. Here are the steps to create or check a directory:

  1. Import the fs module:
const fs = require('fs');
  1. To create a directory, use the mkdir method:
fs.mkdir(path, options, callback);
  • path: The path of the directory you want to create.
  • options (optional): An object that specifies the directory's permissions.
  • callback (optional): A function that is called after the directory is created or if an error occurs.

  • To check if a directory exists, use the access method:

fs.access(path, mode, callback);
  • path: The path of the directory you want to check.
  • mode (optional): The constant that specifies the accessibility check. By default, it is set to fs.constants.F_OK.
  • callback: A function that is called with an error if the directory does not exist or if it is not accessible.

Please note that the fs module provides various other methods for working with directories and files in Node.js, such as readdir, rmdir, unlink, etc. You can explore these methods in the Node.js documentation for further functionality.