node js arabic number to english number

To convert Arabic numbers to English numbers in Node.js, you can use the number-to-words package. Here are the steps to do so:

  1. Install the number-to-words package by running the following command in your Node.js project directory: npm install number-to-words

  2. Import the numberToWords function from the number-to-words package in your JavaScript file: javascript const { numberToWords } = require('number-to-words');

  3. Use the numberToWords function to convert the Arabic number to English: javascript const arabicNumber = 42; const englishNumber = numberToWords(arabicNumber); console.log(englishNumber); // Output: "forty-two"

The numberToWords function takes the Arabic number as input and returns the corresponding English number as a string.

And that's it! You have successfully converted an Arabic number to its English equivalent using Node.js.

Please note that the number-to-words package supports numbers up to 999,999,999,999,999. If you need to handle larger numbers, you may need to consider alternative solutions.