node global directory windows

  1. Open the command prompt by pressing the Windows key + R, typing "cmd", and then pressing Enter.
  2. In the command prompt, type "npm config get prefix" and press Enter. This command will display the directory where Node.js is installed globally on your Windows system.
  3. Copy the directory path that is displayed in the command prompt. This path represents the global directory for Node.js on your Windows system.
  4. Open File Explorer and paste the directory path into the address bar.
  5. Press Enter to navigate to the global directory for Node.js.
  6. In the global directory, you will find various folders and files related to Node.js. These include the "bin" folder, which contains executable files for Node.js packages, and the "lib" folder, which contains libraries and modules used by Node.js.
  7. You can use this global directory to install and manage global Node.js packages. When you install a package globally using the "npm install -g" command, the package files will be stored in the global directory.
  8. To use a globally installed package in your Node.js projects, you can simply require it in your code using the "require" function. Node.js will automatically search for the package in the global directory.
  9. It's important to note that the global directory for Node.js is separate from the local directory for your individual Node.js projects. The local directory is where you install packages specific to a particular project, while the global directory is for packages that can be used across multiple projects.
  10. By understanding and utilizing the global directory for Node.js on your Windows system, you can efficiently manage and use global Node.js packages in your development workflow.