node js fetch

  1. Import the 'node-fetch' module: In order to make HTTP requests in Node.js, you need to import the 'node-fetch' module. This module provides a fetch() function that allows you to make requests to remote servers.

  2. Make a GET request: To make a GET request, you need to call the fetch() function and pass in the URL of the server you want to make the request to. This function returns a Promise that resolves to the response from the server.

  3. Handle the response: Once you have the response from the server, you need to handle it appropriately. You can use the .then() method to handle the success case, where the server responds with a 2xx status code. In this case, you can call the .json() method on the response object to parse the response as JSON.

  4. Handle errors: If the server responds with an error status code, you can handle it using the .catch() method. This allows you to handle any errors that occur during the request, such as network errors or server errors.

  5. Use the response data: Once you have the response data, you can use it in your application as needed. You can access the data returned by the server by accessing the body property of the response object.

  6. Close the response: After you have finished using the response data, it is important to close the response to free up system resources. You can do this by calling the .close() method on the response object.

Please note that the 'node-fetch' module is not a built-in module in Node.js, so you will need to install it using a package manager like npm before you can use it in your application.