node express server static files

  1. Import the required modules: First, import the necessary modules in your Node.js file. This includes the 'express' module, which is a popular web application framework for Node.js.

  2. Create an instance of the Express application: Next, create an instance of the Express application by calling the 'express' function. This function returns an object that represents the Express application.

  3. Define the static file directory: Use the 'express.static' middleware function to define the directory from which static files will be served. Static files can include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images, and other files that don't change dynamically.

  4. Use the static middleware: To use the static middleware, call the 'app.use' method on the Express application instance, passing in the static file directory as an argument. This will instruct the Express application to use the middleware for handling static files.

  5. Start the server: Finally, use the 'app.listen' method to start the Express server and make it listen for incoming requests. Specify the port number on which the server should listen as an argument to the 'listen' method.

Once the server is started, it will be able to serve the static files from the specified directory to clients who make requests to the appropriate URLs.