node console showing object object

  1. First, we need to understand what "object object" means in the context of Node.js. In JavaScript, the term "object" refers to a data type that represents a collection of key-value pairs. It is a complex data type that can store various types of values.

  2. When you see "object object" in the Node.js console, it means that the output is an object, but the console is not able to display its contents directly. Instead, it displays the default string representation of the object, which is "object object".

  3. To get a more meaningful output, we need to use console.log() to explicitly print the contents of the object. This function takes an argument, which can be any JavaScript value, and displays it in the console.

  4. By passing the object to console.log(), we can see the actual contents of the object and get a better understanding of its structure and values. This can be helpful for debugging or inspecting the object's properties.

  5. It is important to note that the "object object" message is not an error or a problem itself. It is simply the default representation of an object when it is displayed in the console without explicitly logging its contents.

  6. To summarize, when the Node.js console shows "object object", it means that the output is an object, but the console is unable to directly display its contents. To view the contents, we need to use console.log() to explicitly print the object's values.