node code comment process real time

Code Commenting Process in Node.js

// Step 1: Open the file where you want to add comments
// Step 2: Identify the code section that needs explanation or clarification
// Step 3: Use "//" to start a single-line comment or "//" to start a multi-line comment
// Step 4: Write a clear and concise explanation of the code's purpose or functionality
// Step 5: Repeat steps 2-4 for each section of code that requires commenting
// Step 6: Ensure the comments are easy to understand and provide value to anyone reading the code
// Step 7: Save the file with the added comments

The process of adding comments to Node.js code involves opening the file, identifying the code sections requiring explanation, using single-line or multi-line comments, writing clear explanations, repeating the process as needed, ensuring clarity, and saving the file.