node blank string

// Node.js code to handle a blank string

function handleBlankString(input) {
  if (!input || input.trim() === '') {
    console.log('Input is a blank string or undefined.');
  } else {
    console.log('Input is not a blank string.');

// Test cases
handleBlankString('Hello'); // Output: Input is not a blank string.
handleBlankString(' '); // Output: Input is a blank string or undefined.
handleBlankString(''); // Output: Input is a blank string or undefined.
handleBlankString(null); // Output: Input is a blank string or undefined.

Explanation: 1. Define a function named handleBlankString that takes an input parameter. 2. Check if the input is falsy (null, undefined, false, 0, empty string, etc.) or if the trimmed version of the input string is an empty string. 3. If the condition is met (input is a blank string or undefined), log a message stating "Input is a blank string or undefined." 4. If the condition is not met (input is not a blank string), log a message stating "Input is not a blank string." 5. Test the function with various input cases using the handleBlankString function and observe the output messages in the console.